Belle Rawls
Chance Kuntz
Fenway Bailey

Fenway Bailey

Jun 8, 2024

Sweet Fenway, you were our best friend for 13 years. You were the first pet we got together as a family. You loved us all so unconditionally. Even though losing you has been so hard, we would do it all over again. We’re going to miss you banging your collar tags on the door to let us know you’re ready...

My Shadow Kelsoe
Reno Herman
Rusty Solie
Nova Shew
Odis Moore
Rufus Parker
Sandee Mccrary
Sassy Fagan
Blue Benge
Gizmo Wilburn
Kitty  Betts
Leelu Shook
Axel Bui
Diesel Ramsey
Leia Cochran
Macie Robinson
Phoebe Moore-Hoff