Toby Story
Piper Kuschel
Vinny Bernath
Atlas Frere
Maxi Northrup
Lexie Fulcher
Charlie Henry
Gypsy Hatley
Moose Holman
Annie Mangum
Bella Hogan
Blazie Canipe
Pepper Boucher
Roxy Kuhn
Socks Cook
Sully Papesh
Foxy Makely
Barbas Gomez
Gabby Belanger
Maddie Settlemyre

Maddie Settlemyre

Jul 17, 2024

In loving memory of our Maddie. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our Madeline Grace Settlemyre (Maddie) on July 17, 2024. Maddie was born on May 28, 2017. She was an adorable, rambunctious ball of white fluff with pronounced white tufts of fur protruding from her ears and a spicy personality. Maddie grew into a...