Tinker crossed the rainbow bridge on September 3rd, 2022. He was a well loved guy who was by his mom's side for 17 years, ever since he was only 3 months old. He was her buddy and loved to be held like a baby, soaking in all the snuggles. He was so special to his mom and will be missed...
Coley Dog 2008 - 2022 Gone but not forgotten. We will always love you. Rest in peace girl!!!
For 15 years, Squeakers blessed the Davis home with nonstop joy; whether she was ripping through the house at a million miles per hour or letting you know her opinion on every matter with her vocal cords that were always in use. From a purr that was as loud as a motor, to her sassy meows and growls, she was...
On August 3rd of 2022 the heavens were blessed with the acceptance of our dearly beloved Gracie. Our family member of nearly 16 years. Gracie was truly an inspiring member of our family. Without a doubt the most obedient and most loyal family member ever. From the time we picked her out at the pound at 10 weeks old her...
Diamond was a very loving, caring, passionate dog. Everyone loved her the moment they met her. She knew when her people were hurting and would often comfort them by laying on them. Her favorite snacks were chicken snacks. Left to cherish her memory are her mom Kimberly Propst, her sisters Zakyia Propst and Jasmine Propst, and her brothers Vontavis Harris,...
Ginger was beautiful and stubborn. She lived life- all thirteen years -- on her terms and her terms alone. Ginger didn't love many people, but the people she loved, she really loved. If she didn't love you, you might get bitten! Ginger was a much loved family member. She is with Sam now. Ginger is survived by her family, Vanessa,...
Remember I'll always love you. You had the most goofiest looking face and I called you Piggy. You were the best dog I ever had. I'll never have another dog like you.
Raphael passed away July the16th and will be remembered as being a loving fur baby to his dad. Raphael will always be his father's baby boy and his best work partner.
It is with great sorrow that I said "See you at the bridge" to my beautiful BFF, Gracie. She fought Cancer for 4 years with as much grace and dignity as any human could have. She was simply a survivor. Even at the end, she tried so hard not to cause her mom any worry! She was my best friend...