Tiny was a sweet precious baby. My son rescued her and when they moved in with us she became our baby. She loved cuddling and peanut butter. She slept with my daughter every night she was home. She loved attention and special treats my dad and neighbors would give her. She was quirky about some things, but we believe that...
Roco was 7 years old and full of love. He was the sweetest puppy ever. He always loved kisses from mommy and daddy. He loved played with his brother Paco. They loved to explore outside, play and run together. Roco went everywhere with us on vacations to the beach, mountains, daily outings, or even running errands. He was such a...
Chloe came into our lives when she was six years old. While we have had other wonderful dogs, Chloe was truly special. The word that best describes her is love. She loved her family greatly. And she loved people - all people. And they loved her! We have never seen a dog where people would go so out of their...
This is Cottin, my fur baby that lost her battle to bladder cancer after a year and a half, she has now gone over the rainbow bridge in our sleep last night. I'll miss her sooo much and her two surviving sisters already miss her. Lord please take her in your arms and keep her safe with you now, she's...
Baby crossed the rainbow bridge on November 16th, 2022 She loved racing through the house when her dad called for outside time, she would chase after any squirrel, rabbit, or bird she saw, and wrestling with her sister Layla was a favorite activity. Every morning she would come to wake her sister up by licking her face and ears, showing...