Shadow Estala
Skippy Sain
Rocko Smith
Sabrina Franklin
Penny Smith
Sophie Allison
Daisy Foster
Kirby Spaulding
Alvin Phoenix
Brother Mitchell
Bruce Lefevers

Bruce Lefevers

Jan 10, 2023

When I found out where my dad worked had saved a dog named Bruce and no one came to get him, I asked my parents if we could adopt him. They said they would think about it. After awhile of lots of begging to convince them to go get Bruce, they finally said we could go get him. So the...

Sam Eskind
Scooby Loftis
Yella Church
October Few
Sophie Wingage
Zella Frick
Dex Cotto
Gizmo Miller
Gizmo Miller

Gizmo Miller

Jan 8, 2023

Gizmo was energetic, loyal, and sweet (when she wanted to be). She deeply loved her humans and became more affectionate when they were ill. Gizmo will be missed and her family will continue to love her and cherish her memory.