Mya Griffin
Roxy Tanner
Tegan Grigg
Bolt Chesney
Brady Briere
Chip Correll
Ellie Brown
Forrest Bates
Byran Loritts
Dori Hadley
Kylee Rector
Tipper Tucker
Rainger Ballingham
Sarge Corneliussen
Sylvester Edwards
Cali Sanchez

Cali Sanchez

Jun 13, 2023

Cali was a beautiful, sweet, one-eyed girl, that was loved by our family for over 13 years. We are going to miss her letting us know when anyone would come to visit. She was the best alarm system. Cali could not be contained and would literally escape any enclosure or gate. Cali would lay on her mommy's belly when she...

Boomer Hewitte
Boston Wilson
Doc Connor
Smokie Weaver

Smokie Weaver

Jun 12, 2023

Smokie was our first kitten over 16 years ago. She was a beautiful, blue-eyed girl, that was very mouthy. She knew how to get exactly what she wanted with her adorable voice and if that didn't work she would headbutt you. Smokie was so spoiled and thought she could only drink water from the kitchen sink. She will be very...