Traits associated with the name Tiny:
Dogs named Tiny tend to be good-natured, industrious, affectionate, and loving. This name is also associated with beauty, and companionship.
If you knew Tiny, you know that this is 100% true. Tiny was special. Tiny was a rare breed. Tiny was the best dog ever. Over the past 10 years of Tiny being in our home we’ve been around many other dogs, but none can compare and we can honestly say we’ve never met another like Tiny. He was hands down the best dog we’ve have ever encountered. Tiny was affectionate, gentle, loyal, protective, happy, precious and most of all perfect. He never got sick, but if he was he never let you know it. He was the dog to comfort you if something was wrong.
Tiny became part of our family in 2012 when he was 2 years old. The past 10 years that we got with him were nothing short of pure love. Each and every moment with Tiny was simply LOVE.
Words can’t express how much Tiny is going to be missed. There will never be another like him.
To Tiny:
Thank you for being the best, most loving, perfect companion. We know you are up there with all the other dogs in doggie heaven. But we also know when you got there Robbie was waiting on you to give him a big ole kiss. We know he and Jesus will take care of you for us! We miss you so so much buddy! We dropped a fry just for you last night, we just wish we could have heard your loud bark one more time. We loved you so much and will continue to do so.🤍
Forever would have never been enough!