Mr. Snoopy was born on May 23, 2005 and passed away on February 20, 2017. He never met someone that he did not like, he was especially fond of little children, you could tell by the way he waged his tail, last Saturday while waking him, two children came up to him, and he was happy to see them as he wagged the tail to show appreciation for spending a little time with him, that was time last time I saw his tail wag, one of the girls bent down to him and gave him a kiss. He was a very quiet dog not barking a whole lot or causing unneeded commotion. He was a very loving animal, upon waking every morning he would come up to me Waggin his tail and rubbing his head against my leg to showing the affection and love that he had for me. Snoopy was a great friend to me and will be solely missed. He was like my departed cat of two years Sissy, neither one can ever be replaced in my heart.. Twelve years ago when I was looking for a black cocker spaniel, I found a breeder in Hildebrand NC who raised cockers. I looked at the two they had from the last litter, one female and one male, I told the breeder that I was going to give it some thought and I would let them know what I had decided, as I walked away from the two dogs, the male followed me to my SUV, I turned around and said I will take this one, Snoopy actually chose me..