Seeley Blake Crisp crossed the rainbow bridge Tuesday, April 19th, 2022, peacefully in the arms of his Mommy and Daddy.
Born February 13th, 2010; Seeley was the sweet little boy of Cameron and Lanie Crisp for the 12 years (minus 8 weeks) of his very full and loved life. He is survived by his two younger brothers, Finn and Obi, his big sister, Tempy and his best cousin, Bo.
Seeley picked his people. Other than his Mommy and Daddy, he also loved his aunts Crystal & Kim, his Papaws, Tom and Bud, his Nana Paulette and his dear friends, Wes and Ashley. Everyone else so dearly wanted to gain his love, but he wouldn’t allow it.
Seeley loved to go on car rides, walks, ride the lawn mower with Mommy, lay in the recliner with daddy, roll on his back on the floor, play chase, eat saltine crackers, and play with his squeaky toys. He loved trips to the beach and mountains. Pretty much anywhere Mommy and Daddy was, he was happy. Seeley was our blessing. When we found out we could not have children, he made us parents. He was Mommy’s little boy (he didn’t know he was a dog) and he wouldn’t leave daddy’s side when daddy fought cancer. He was our little butt wagger, our crazy licker, our snuggle buddy and our grumpy old man. He was the best. Seeley will forever be missed, always remembered and eternally in our hearts.