Roscoe loved being the center of attention. He just had to have people touching him or he would whine until you caved in. Us kids got him as a puppy and raised him together so he had little bits of all 3 of us in his personality. He lived 10 very full and loving years and was spoiled every second of it. He had a funny way of letting you know exactly what he wanted from you by either whining or huffing and puffing until you understood. When he was younger he loved to be mischievous and open locked doors or sneak and eat off of the table. Once he got older he calmed down and mainly looked forward to his naps and short outside trips but kept that mischievous attitude and showed it from time to time. He wasn’t like any other dog I’ve ever met. He was extremely intelligent. You could just tell that he thought like us and understood in a way that met more than the basic level of understanding. It’s not fair the way he left this world. He deserved so much better but I don’t think he even knew what was happening. Its was instant and painless and I’m eternally grateful for that. We miss him so much and all his little old man quirks. Roscoe you will forever and always be in our hearts and we are so grateful for the memories and time we had with you, my little pinto bean. ❤️