Lo was born on April 15, 2015, and was the light of my life. I remember the first time I saw her; tears came to my eyes because she was so tiny and the cutest thing I had ever seen. Lo passed away unexpectedly on July 20th, 2024, and left a huge hole in all of our hearts.
She was the boss of the house and always kept her "little" sister in line even though her little sister had 30 pounds on her. Lo loved her people. Her mama and her paw paw were her favorite people and could always be found cuddling up by them or beside them begging for their attention. She loved getting pets from her papa, her aunt Lanie, and her human siblings. Lo enjoyed being outside, playing keep away with her tennis ball, rolling around in the grass on a warm day, watching her "nature" tv (the window), and snuggling. She mellowed out in her older years and truly enjoyed being close to her people.
There isn't a minute that goes by that we don't think about her and can imagine her pawing for pets (even if she just got a lot). She was my soul dog and the best pet that I could have ever asked for. The house is quiet without her little paws clinking and tinkling collar jingling around her neck. She will be loved forever and missed always.