Our Lil Guy
He arrived in late 2008 with the sweetest soul
Learning tricks quickly enjoying those evening strolls
A big ball of fur fitting in the palm of our hands
Little did we know how he would make our Life so Grand
Running to greet us upon our arrival home
He loved us unconditionally and never left us alone
Often carrying a toy, dirty sock or two
Yet never chewing on our shoes
Those that met him, loved him too
He was like that, lovable to all he knew
He lived in the mountains and at the beach
Making friends everywhere he reached
He was there on our wedding day
Making our blended family complete each step of the way
We remember all the special times while our hearts are healing in his time
For now, we will treasure each one and all your love
Keeping them close until we meet above
Forever in our hearts, our sweet boy Lil Guy
It is so hard saying Goodbye