Jerry was born on June 22, 2002 under my bed when I was cat-sitting my aunt's cat. He was the runt of a very large litter, so large that his mama cat was unable to feed them all so little Jerry was bottle fed by me, his human mommy, which created an unbreakable bond. Jerry grew out of his awkward tiny stage and weighed in at a whopping 15 pounds when he grew up. He was charismatic as can be, demanding everyone's attention, having lively "conversations" and playing his favorite game, fetch. Everyone who met Jerry loved him. In December of 2016, Jerry was diagnosed with late stage cancer. The vet told me there was nothing we could do at that point except spend as much quality time with him as I could. So, that's what I did, spoiling him with whatever he wanted and I kept him close to me at every moment. While we didn't have long, I will always cherish the time that we did have. Jerry lost his battle with cancer on February 8, 2017. I've never had a more loyal friend or felt such loss. Even writing this now makes my heart ache more than I can say. Still, as much as it hurts to lose him, I am so thankful to have had such a special and wonderful friend in my life for nearly 15 years. It is my hope that everyone finds the special bond with a loving pet at least once in their lives so that they may feel the complete acceptance of their unconditional love. RIP Jerry. You were my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye.