Chloe came into our lives when she was six years old. While we have had other wonderful dogs, Chloe was truly special. The word that best describes her is love. She loved her family greatly. And she loved people - all people. And they loved her! We have never seen a dog where people would go so out of their way to see her and pet her and love on her, and the happiness that would radiate out from her as a result.
If anyone would get upset or stressed out, she would run right to them, sit in front of them, and would give them love and affection until quite soon they had come out of their state of upset. She helped one person with PTSD and one teenager cope with life so much better.
She loved her family greatly, and we appreciated her so much. She was her human mom's constant companion, always by her side. She rarely barked except the few times she really needed to go outside, and when she decided mom had been at the computer for too long.
Even when her body started to give out, her soul was always loving and happy.
Her loss created a great hole in our family which she had so lovingly filled. We are so grateful we had the opportunity to be her humans for as long as we were able to. She changed our entire family with her love and sweetness. And she will be greatly missed.
If the people of the world could be more like Chloe - whose goal in life was to love and be loved - what a wonderful world it would be!