Bodie Sebastian Stewart Bodie was born November 23, 2003 and crossed Rainbow Bridge on April 9, 2017. Our Bodie was diagnosed with lymphoma a few short weeks ago and was receiving palliative care. His quality of life declined over the last few days. We are so thankful for the good days he had. He was the son of Tammy Sebastian Stewart and her husband, Michael. He is also survived by his fur sisters Emily and Kenan Stewart; his MawMaw, Doris Sebastian and her dog, Stanley; his aunt and uncle, Robin and Scott Baker; and his cousins, Kirsten Baker Elder and Ian Baker. Bodie loved everyone he met and they loved him. He loved to GO! I couldn't tell him ahead of time that he was “going” or he would follow me around whining until it was time to leave. When he saw his stroller out, he would get so excited. He was lovingly also known as Mr. Bodie, Momma’s Boy, Beedo, The Midnight Rambler, and The Bodemeister as well as many other nicknames given to him by those who loved him so much.
Bodie, My heart is broken. You helped me get thru a lot of tough times. You were the baby I could not conceive and gave me true and pure unconditional love. It is hard to imagine life without you. I know I will wake up each day feeling for you beside me and hoping it was all a bad dream. With God’s love and comfort, I will be ok. I could not allow you to suffer. I loved you too much to be selfish. You will always be in my heart. I love you, Momma