A Jenkins Family Company
Many pet owners are unprepared for the emotions that come with the death of a beloved animal. For those who have never experienced pet loss, they may not realize that grief over a pet can be as difficult and overwhelming as the death of a friend or family member. And many people feel embarrassed to be grieving an animal so deeply. But please know—it’s completely normal, healthy and ok to grieve the loss of a pet you loved.
Grief doesn’t just look like sadness and tears, it is a complex emotion that affects individuals in a myriad of different ways. Sometimes people are grieving, and don’t recognize that what they are experiencing is actually grief. The following is a list of signs that may indicate you are experiencing grief:
Emotional Signs of Grief
Physical Signs of Grief
Just like grief can manifest in different ways, it can also be managed in different ways for different people. Consider these methods to help cope with your loss:
If you find that your grief is feeling overwhelming, preventing you from your normal daily activities, or lasts for a prolonged period of time, we encourage you to reach out to a professional grief counselor for help in healing.
Best Friends Pet Passings and Cremations helps families in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho say goodbye to their furry family members every day, and we know how difficult it can be. If you have any questions about dealing with grief and loss, or about our cremation and memorial services, please call us at (828) 464-1555.