A Jenkins Family Company
When the heart-wrenching but inevitable day comes when you must say goodbye to your pet, you may decide that cremation is the best option for you and your family. But the decision to cremate the animal you love is really two decisions in one. You’ll also have to decide what you want to do with the cremated remains, or ashes. At Best Friends Pet Passings and Cremations in Albuquerque, New Mexico, individuals and families who choose private cremation are faced with this decision. There are several things you can do with your companion’s remains that can bring you comfort and keep their memory alive.
Many people choose to take their pet’s ashes home with them. This can be a comforting reminder of the joy they brought to your life. At Best Friends, we provide an urn with all private cremations that can be engraved with your pet’s name or a favorite quote. We also have a selection of unique urns if you prefer something different, as well as keepsake boxes, glass sculptures made from their ashes, and prints of your animal’s paw or nose.
Another way to keep them close to your heart is through jewelry. A necklace, keychain or bracelet that holds a small amount of ashes creates a meaningful connection to your companion.
Not everyone finds comfort in keeping their pet’s ashes at home. Releasing the ashes in a place that held special significance for you or your pet can be a beautiful step in the process of letting go and healing from grief. Perhaps this is off a hiking trail, in the backyard, or a favorite camping spot. Keep in mind that if you plan to scatter on property that isn’t yours, you’ll need to get permission first, and any required permits.
At Best Friends, we provide families who plan to scatter with a scattering tube. This is an eco-friendly container made with paper components. Like a permanent urn, a scattering tube can be personalized with the name of your pet. The ashes are placed inside the tube and when the family is ready to scatter, the lid is removed, and the ashes are released in an easy and efficient way.
Many people don’t know that you can bury cremated remains as well. By burying the ashes in an urn or box, you can create a smaller grave while providing you and your family with a permanent place to memorialize your pet. If you own your own property, this can be a beautiful reminder of your companion, and a comfort knowing they’re close by. Other places you can bury the ashes include a pet cemetery or at the base of a special tree. Like with scattering, be sure to get permission before burying ashes on property that isn’t yours.
Some individuals choose to have their pet’s remains buried with them when it’s their own time. This requires some planning and logistics, but it is definitely an option. Knowing your bond in life will be symbolized after death can be an extremely comforting to someone who loved their pet deeply.
Technically, a water burial isn’t a burial at all, but scattering ashes over a body of water. This can be a meaningful way to remember the dog who loved to swim in the river or keep you company while fishing. In New Mexico, we are far from the ocean, but the Federal Clean Water Act still has rules regarding scattering on inland water. To scatter on a river or lake, you may be legally required to obtain a permit from the state agency that manages the particular body of water.
Many cemeteries have an area designated just for furry (and feathery, and scaley…) friends. This can include ground burial, but they also may offer niches to keep one or more urns in. Oftentimes, these niches can be engraved with the name of your pet and any special words or sayings.
Losing an animal that felt more like family can be extremely difficult, and grieving your pet is a normal and healthy reaction. Memorializing them after cremation can bring comfort and peace of mind. At Best Friends, we are here to make this experience as easy as it can possibly be, and provide you with what you need to honor your pet.
Learn more about our cremation services or memorialization options, or call us at (828) 464-1555.